book design projects by Jennifer Kyte

Once More With Feeling.


Illustrated non-fiction.

Pitch coach and author Michael Parker has been a collaborator for a few years now. This is our latest effort, written by Michael and designed and edited by me, with illustrations by Cecily Salt.

Once More With Feeling explores rehearsal practices that are common to artists, athletes, politicians and interviewees in their pursuit of success.


Olaf & Essex.


Illustrated middle grade novel.

New York based author Patti Calkosz wanted her debut to stand-out visually. The book features illustrations by Xiao throughout, with some complex typographic treatments such as varying font sizes and typefaces for emphasis. Patti has a meticulous eye for detail and a clear idea of her vision. It was a rewarding experience to deliver the book she’d visualised, and the two of us have become pen-pals with our shared love of children’s literature.


Magnum Mopus.


Illustrated poetry book.

Poet, Dave Walsham wanted something that stood out. The book design needed to suit the anti-establishment tone of the poems. I designed the covers, all the interiors and created the photo-collages.

I then helped Dave to publish the book professionally. Click the link below to buy a copy. £10.99.



Chris Bucklow.


Three books written by Christopher Bucklow, typeset and designed by me.

Said Now, For All Time was the accompanying catalogue for Chris’s retrospective exhibition at Southampton City Art Gallery, and contains an essay by Alex Faulkner and preface by Martin Harrison. Life On Mars is a transcript of a fictionalized radio program on Mars, in the style of Melvyn Bragg's In Our Time. The fictional academics discuss 3 of Chris's paintings and their possible meanings. Nantucket Sleighride is a collection of Chris's recorded dreams from 1986 - 2017 with an accompanying essay.



Rehearse It.


A pdf book by pitch expert Michael Parker, designed to be read on a phone. Michael has two other books published in traditional printed and bound book format. I designed Rehearse It! to tie in with those books. Find out more on Michael’s website, and download a free copy of the pdf book there

Rehearse It book free download



The Creative Biosphere Project.


A review of a year-long project that took place at five sites across the Isle of Wight. The book was commisioned by photographer Maria Bell, who documented the project.



Yurt Shack.


A series of publications about my life living in a yurt, including a cookbook and zine.


Alt Lunch.


A cook book for people who want to get more out of lunch.

Alt. Lunch collects recipes for adventurous lunchers, from quick and simple to lovingly prepared.


She Becomes an Inaccessible Ghost.


A personal project: lo-fi photobook based on Thomas Hardy’s The Well-Beloved with text by Hardy and photos by me taken on Portland.

Read more about it and get the option to buy a copy by clicking the button below.


Between Darkness.


I was commissioned to make a book for The Dove “An Amazing Space" exhibition in 2017. Between Darkness is the result: entirely handmade and bound comprising of photographs and poems.

The book now lives in a tree house in Somerset.

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childrens books